PLEASE NOTE: These are teaching toys. I consider these too large for an I Spy Bag or Bottle, but perfect for sensory bins or buckets, and for parents and teachers who want larger manipulative toys.
See below for a listing of what is in this set.
QUANTITY Trinkets are sold in sets of 50 with NO DUPLICATES in a set OR between sets.
CONTENT Sets include small toys, novelty buttons, miniatures, cabochons, and pendants. I DO NOT add ordinary round sewing buttons or beads as fillers. ~ FUN, COLORFUL, AND EASILY RECOGNIZABLE! TOP QUALITY TRINKETS made of acrylic, plastic, resin, PVC, wood, or metal. ~ Trinkets are 1-1/4" up to 4".
Contains small parts! Not for children under the age of 3.
INCLUDED IN SET B acorn, alien, anchor, baseball cap, bean, bowling pin, boy, camera, candy, cat, chili pepper, crab, cracker, crocodile, dice, Eiffel Tower, fish, girl, glasses, goat, hammer, heart, helm, high heel, key, lobster, lock, mermaid, monkey, mouse, mushroom, needle, ninja, octopus, paw, rainbow, Santa, shark, sneaker, star, stingray, swan, swordfish, tire, tree, tricycle, violin, watermelon, whale, windmill